How To Best Use This Blog

Well, the objective of this blog is to help you get better online PR, expert advice, a community to discuss all things about writing and publishing. Here are some of the ways you should use this blog to get the maximum leverage out of our efforts-

  • Any link about you/your book is for you to popularise. Tweet it, FB Like it, paste it in your website, use in your email- signature, Digg it- do whatever you think you can to make it reach far and wide.
  • As this is a community it helps to contribute to others' success as well. So, no reason why you shouldn't popularise other writer's posts. Remember, if we cross-promote each other things can go really great for all of you.
  • Comment, Comment, Comment. I am observing so far and people tend to just read and comment their post. Giving is a prerequisite to receiving. Please follow the rule.
  • Contribute posts. This is a great opportunity for writers to show what they do best- write. 
To start with here is the Facebook Page for this blog. Like it and you can access stories posted on it and share on your FB accounts. You can also post and comment on this page. Here is the link:

This is a working list and open to suggestions and feedback from the community.

NIW Team

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